Don’t cancel date night because you aren’t going out! We’ve all been home more often this year. As a result, date night activities at home are the official way for couples to stay connected. These at-home date night ideas will help spice up your quality time with your partner without going anywhere.
Is date night happening in your house? It should be! And there are plenty of fun home date ideas you will love!

Why You Need At Home Date Nights
First, more than ever, it’s important to make time for what matters most in your life. Healthy relationships are the secret to happiness and for good reason.
Strong bonds help us in tough times, create lasting memories, and lower our risk of mental and physical health issues.
So don’t wait until your wedding anniversary or Valentine’s Day to enjoy some much-deserved romance and fun with your partner. And don’t skip date night on a rainy day.
Unsurprisingly, your partner relationship is often the most essential relationship in your life.
So, why wouldn’t you set aside one night a week to put that relationship first?
Ok, but…
How Do You Make Dates Exciting At Home?
That’s a great question. Because let’s face it, dates at home can be boring. Often, our kids are around. And it’s shockingly easy to watch Netflix for five hours straight.
So, what can we do to spice up our at-home dating life?
First, text your partner something sweet or funny beforehand. Let them know how excited you are to spend quality time with them and that you are ready to relax in the evening.
Next, if you have kids, give them something to do. Hire a babysitter, let them watch a movie, or send them outside to play for a while.
This time is meant for the TWO of you, so do what you can to make it that way.

Fun Stay At Home Date Night Ideas For Couples
Bring on the romance and the fun without leaving home! Here are the best date night ideas to make your next date night at home a hit:
1. Conversation Starters
Need something to talk about? Or perhaps you’re tired of talking about the same three topics (kids, world news, and the weather).
Instead, check out these “conversation starters for couples” and you’ll find TONS of questions to help get you talking about different ideas.
Remember your first date when you were learning so much about one another?
There’s still plenty of things you might not know and this perfect date night idea will have you strengthening your bond and surprising you all over again.
Conversation starters for families can be helpful to get kids talking. Try these conversation starters for kids, teens, and couples, conversation starters for family dinner & Would You Rather questions for kids to get everyone talking!
Printable Conversation Cards For couples
These printable conversation cards for couples can be used during date night with your partner or when you’re spending quality time together. Or pick a card each day at random and share your thoughts together.

Or get one of these conversation starters for couples card sets:
2. Taste Testing
This is a favourite date night activity at our house! Pick a food group and purchase at least three varieties of that food. Then, spend a few minutes TASTING each kind.
You will find, shockingly, that there are subtle differences between lots of foods that you buy. We found our favourite olive oil this way, and it can be done with chocolates, beverages, or pretty much anything!
You might discover a new favourite cheese or bottle of wine to love. Or maybe its hot sauces and ice cream on the menu.
Why not turn it into an indoor picnic for a romantic night in!
3. Cook Something New
Next, prepare a new recipe together that you’ve never made before. Or split up dinner and have one of you cook a delicious main meal while the other works on dessert.
You’ll have fun getting outside of your comfort zone in the kitchen with new recipes you might not have ever thought to try.
Add some extra ‘flavour’ to your menu by choosing a theme, such as traditional drink and meal recipes from around the world.
RELATED READING: Gift ideas for someone who loves cooking
4. Play a Game
Find a game that you and your partner both enjoy. There are a huge number of two-person games available or simply get a game of cards going on your night in.
Classic board games such as chess or Scrabble are perfect for 2 people or try a new board game for the first time.
It doesn’t need to be a board game either. You can have a video game night together such as playing your favourite old school video games on a retro console or a newer fun game you’ve been wanting to try.
You can add a spicy twist to your game night – play board games with your own rules such as each losing round requires one of you to remove an item of clothing.
Nothing like a little friendly competition if you are a competitive couple – so long as it’s all in good fun!
Or try one of these games:
5. Do a Puzzle
There’s just something about putting together a picture from scratch. So, purchase a puzzle that reminds you both of a place or scenery that you love. Then, spend an evening constructing and recalling amazing memories.
Don’t forget the cheese platter and crackers for your puzzle night!
6. Have Fancy Takeout
If there’s ever a time for takeout, it’s date night. And since we’re so often staying in, make it a weekly ritual to order some delicious takeout.
Take turns deciding what to order so you both get to enjoy your favourites on different weeks.
Additionally, take it up a notch by eating your “fancy” food at home. Light candles and use your nicest dinner set.
And in the warmer months, dine outdoors, under the stars. A backyard picnic with fairy lights perhaps?

7. Have a Book Date
A coffee and bookstore date is our all-time favourite date. So, recreate the bookstore date at home! Beforehand, buy a few magazines, borrow books at the library, or grab those books off the shelf you’ve been meaning to read.
Then, make a cup of fancy coffee or hot chocolate and enjoy perusing with your partner by your side.
If you’re interested in the same book, start your own mini-book club. Read the book beforehand and discuss it during your date.
8. Recreate a Bar Date
Similar to the book date, you can also recreate a bar date at home. Beforehand, purchase some fancy cocktail ingredients and try your hand at something you would order at the bar. Or experiment with something new and exotic.
Combine this one with an at home wine tasting or beer tasting session.
Then, blast your favourite tunes and whip up a batch of bar-style nachos to complete your romantic at home date night.
Don’t forget the flirty bar talk as you take a trip down memory lane!
9. Have a Picnic
This one is incredibly versatile. First, plan some delicious picnic food, then simply spread out a blanket in your backyard or right inside the living room. We love a snack-style dinner for this!
Finally, spend some time enjoying the simple tastes and catching up on the week.
10. Backyard Fire Pit or Fireplace Date
Roast some marshmallows or cozy up next to your indoor fireplace for a warm and romantic date night together.
Not every at-home date night needs to be fancy. Sometimes it’s the simplest moments shared together that mean the most.

11. Home Day Spa Date
This is the ultimate couple’s treat! If your bathtub is large, see if you can both fit in for a luxurious and relaxing bubble bath.
If your spouse enjoys it, turn it into a full-fledged spa date – complete with massages, plush towels, and basic facials. This is a wonderful way to keep intimacy strong in your relationship.
No spa day is complete without face masks and fluffy dressing gowns.
12. Create a Bucket List
Your life is a blank canvas. What do you want to do with it? Decide that together!
Spend one (or many) at home date nights deciding the adventures you want to go on and the dreams you want to accomplish. The first step in having a wonderful life is creating that masterpiece in your mind.
Not only is this fun, but it’s incredibly productive.
How do you want your life to look in five years? Get to work writing it down in the form of a vision board, plan, or bucket list.
And if a bucket list you are creating, spend future home date nights planning holidays and itineraries together.
Shared goals can be a wonderful way to connect as a couple and stay connected as you work towards them.
13. Do A Mystery Date

Grab yourself The Adventure Challenge Couples edition and scratch off one of the home date challenges for a memorable and exciting mystery night in. There is a space for you to add a photo and journal some notes from the experience too.
14. Play “Would You Rather”
Would you rather is a simple game that is a lot of fun and perfect when you’re low on energy and ideas. Take turns questioning each other on different concepts. “Would you rather eat apples for a year or carrots?”
Plus, you can take this game in any direction you’d like: sweet, silly, or downright dirty!
Even after decades together, this is a fun way to learn something new about your partner with a fun home date night idea.

15. Make Fondue
If you’re looking to spice up your date night dinner, look no further. Create a tray of easy dippers then, make a variety of cheese, chocolate, and other sauces. Spend time together dipping and tasting, and enjoying a special treat.
You can get an inexpensive chocolate fondue maker or carefully melt your ingredients in the microwave instead.
16. Take Personality Tests
And finally, look up a few personality tests to take together. Take them, and then discuss your results. How does your personality add to your partnership? How can it sometimes make conversations difficult?
Not only does this coax out some magical self-reflection, but it will make your relationship stronger than ever. The 5 Love Languages or the Enneagram are great options to get you started.
For a HUGE list of amazing date nights on a budget, check out 101 Really Cheap (or Free) Date Ideas
More Date Night AT Home Ideas
In case you want even more inspiration for romantic date night ideas at home, check these out:
- A home scavenger hunt
- Living room dance party
- Tell ghost stories
- Do a virtual tour online of somewhere you both want to visit
- Themed movie marathon
- Wine tasting
- Watch your wedding video or old home videos
- Flip through the photo albums or digital photos
- Have a karaoke night for 2
- Watch a sports match with your favourite teams (don’t forget the hot dogs)
- Backyard Nerf gun war
- Make a video of your love story
- Binge-watch your favourite show
- Feed each other treats
- Give each other massages
- Indoor treasure hunt
- Make your own pizzas
- Learn a new language
- Card games
Why not add each of these fun home date night ideas into your own date jar? That way you can add an element of surprise to your weekly or monthly date nights.
Before Your Date Night At Home
Remember, it’s the quality time together that counts. It doesn’t matter whether you’re whooping together in laughter or hatching out your life plan.
Plus, if you’re low on creative energy, a Netflix binge might be just what the doctor ordered for your night at home. Just make sure you’re mixing it up with date night activities at home that bring you true joy and connection as well!
Now, get dating!
What are your favourite fun ideas for date night at home?
For some family fun, check out these ideas for spending Valentine’s Day with the family. They are great options for family date nights at home to spend quality time with your kids.
These solo day activities with each of your kids can be really special too, including family date night ideas, mummy-daughter dates, mother son dates, father-son days and father-daughter dates.
Find more activities to do at home with kids plus over 100 fun ideas for the backyard too!
Author Bio – Jenn Kropf is a Kansas City native and mama of three. She writes at her blog Healthy Happy Impactful, a place that empowers and supports moms in personal growth, health, and family. Jenn is passionate about discovering ways to live better and to give our kids the tools they need to live a full life.
Thursday 12th of October 2023
This is great! Thank you!