When the weather is nice, there’s no place better to be than outdoors in the fresh air! There are so many fun things to do outside in your backyard, and the best part is that they can be enjoyed by all ages – not just the kids!
With 100 things to do outside with kids, you will have no trouble finding easy ways to keep the family entertained outdoors! So get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather!

50 Fun Things to Do Outside in Your Backyard with Kids
There’s no reason to leave home to have fun outdoors as a family when you have a backyard!
I recently heard on a podcast about the idea of spending 1000 hours outdoors together as a family as a yearly goal and I think this is a fantastic motivation for getting more Vitamin D and screen-free time together as a family!
With nice weather comes the opportunity to spend more time outdoors, and what better place to enjoy the outdoors than in your own backyard?
There are plenty of fun things to do outside in your backyard with kids.
And these fun ideas aren’t just limited to beautiful summer days either! There are fun backyard activities for solo activities, group activities for outdoors and even rainy day activities for outside at home!
Check out this list of fun things to do in your backyard with kids.
Fun Things To Do Outside Alone (Or With Company)

These fun outdoor activities to do at home are perfect if you are entertaining just one child, but can just as easily become group activities if you have more than one child or want to keep the entire family busy outdoors.
- Set up an obstacle course – Create your own backyard obstacle course for your child by giving them things to climb and jump over, crawl under and run around as a fun way to combine physical activity and mental stimulation.
- Set up the sprinkler – On hot days, one of the most fun things to do outside is to run through the sprinkler! Set up a sprinkler in your backyard and let your child (or yourself!) run through it for some cooling fun.
- Blow bubbles – Blowing bubbles is so much fun for little kids! You can buy a bubble solution or make your own with dish soap and water. Get different size bubble wands or an automatic bubble machine that kids can chase and pop.
- Plant a garden – Gardening is therapeutic, fun and very rewarding as an ongoing way to enjoy a great time outdoors. Plant a vegetable garden or grow some beautiful flowers to add a pop of colour to the backyard.
- Leaf tracing – Collect different leaves and trace over them with coloured pencils to see what cool textures they make on the paper.
- Nature collage – Have your child collect a variety of leaves, flowers, bark and sand and create their own nature artwork on paper with glue. A wonderful way to enjoy some creativity with pieces of nature!
- Paint a picture – The great outdoors is a perfect place to do some messy painting and you can easily make your own paint at home for kids to use outdoors.
- Make a bird feeder – Using recycled materials, create a fun bird feeder to hang in your backyard and watch the birds come to visit. Use birdseed, peanut butter and fruits for a tasty treat for the local birdlife.
- Draw with chalk – Use sidewalk chalk to draw on a fence or pavement to create artworks that can easily be washed away afterwards.
- Paint with water – Give your child some large paintbrushes and a bowl of water so they can paint or write on the cement with water. This is a great way for younger kids to practice their letters and spelling and practice fine motor skills.
- Water play – Fill up some containers and buckets with water and maybe even some soap suds for a fun sensory water play experience outdoors.
- Read a book – Relax in a hammock or lawn chair with a good book and escape into a different world for an hour or two. This is a perfect way to encourage kids to read by changing the environment to an outdoor setting.
- Practice your photography – Grab a camera or a phone and head outside for a fun photo shoot. Practice nature photos or take photos of each other in different poses and locations around the backyard.
- Build a fort or cubby – Use sheets, towels, blankets or tarps to build a fun outdoor fort or cubby for kids to play in. Add some cushions and pillows inside for extra comfort. If you have a swing set or trampoline, these are easily converted into a fun cubby!
- Hula Hoop – Hula hooping is a fun activity for kids of all ages. It’s a great way to get some exercise and work on coordination.
- Skateboarding or skating – If you have a paved area in your backyard, this is a great place to practice your skateboarding or skating skills.
- Ride a bike or scooter – If you have a bike or scooter, a ride around the backyard can be a lot of fun. You could even set up a mini obstacle course to weave around to make it more exciting!
- Set up a kiddie pool – If you don’t have a real pool, a kiddie pool is a fun alternative for young kids to enjoy splashing around in the water on hot days.
- Practice the monkey bars – One of the coolest things we added to our backyard that provides endless entertainment is a Vuly Play monkey bar set. This is a wonderful piece of play equipment for helping kids build strength and coordination.
- Feed the birds – Throw out some birdseed and watch the birds come to visit your backyard. This is a fun activity to do with younger children as they will love seeing the birds up close.
- Fly a kite – If you have a bigger yard with room to run around, flying a kite is loads of fun, especially on a breezy day. You could even try your hand at making your own by following a craft tutorial online!
- Play hopscotch – Draw your own hopscotch course on the pavement with chalk and have fun jumping around the backyard. If you don’t have a large enough cement area in the backyard, use large bricks or pavers instead or hula hoops as a way of improvising.
- Do yoga or pilates – If you’re looking for a more relaxing activity, yoga or pilates can be done in your backyard. Find a spot with some shade and take some time to yourself to relax, stretch and unwind.
- Jump on a trampoline – A trampoline is a favourite outdoor activity for many kids. If you have one in your backyard, it can become the basis of so many different play ideas beyond jumping. Picnics, stargazing, backyard camping, reading nook, etc!
- Bottle bowling – Fill some empty plastic bottles partway with water or sand and use a ball to bowl them over. You may need to experiment with how much filler to put in them to suit the age of your child. This can be enjoyed solo or as a group.
- Bug finding – Get a magnifying glass and go on a bug-finding expedition in your backyard. See how many different types of bugs you can find and identify! Encourage your child to draw each one and write about their different features as a back yard educational activity.
- Tyre swing – Hang an old tire from a tree branch to create a fun swing for kids if you don’t own a swingset. You can paint it or decorate it before you hang it as a way to personalise your new swing.
- Jump rope – Jumping rope is a fun way to get some exercise and fresh air. Practice skipping backwards and forwards or crossing the rope.
- Make a fairy garden – This is a fun activity for younger kids that can be done solo or with a group. To make a fairy garden, you will need a container, some soil, plants and fairy garden accessories.
- Make a butterfly garden – Plant a heap of nectar-rich flowers to attract butterflies to your backyard. Add a few rocks or logs for them to sun themselves on, and watch as they flit around your garden!
- Take a nature walk – Explore the backyard, looking closely at what you see, looking carefully for insects and wildlife living in the garden. Sit somewhere shady and close your eyes to listen for different sounds around you or get out a sketchbook and draw what you see.
- Bubble painting – Fill a tub or large shallow dish with water, dishwashing liquid and a little food colouring. Use straws to blow bubbles in the mixture then gently place paper over the coloured bubbles to create unique artworks.
- Paper mache – Paper mache is a fun craft activity that kids of all ages can enjoy. All you need is some paper, water and glue to get started.
- Sketching – Give your artistic side time to flourish by taking a sketchbook and pencils outdoors and drawing things you see in nature. Mix it up with different mediums such as charcoal or pastel chalks.
- Water trampoline – Add a sprinkler under the trampoline or a hose over the top to create a fun slip and slide bounce zone that kids will love on a sunny day!
- Rock painting – Collect some smooth rocks from around the garden or get a rock painting kit and let the kids paint away. Once they’re dry, you could use them to decorate the garden or leave them in parks or public places as ‘Kindness rocks’ to spread joy!
- Have a teddy bears picnic – Spread a blanket on the ground and set out some teddy bear-sized picnic foods for a fun imaginary picnic your child can share with their favourite stuffed toys.
- Look for cloud shapes – Lie on your back in the grass and look up at the clouds. See if you can spot any fun shapes or faces.
- Shadow tracing – Place an object on the ground and see the shadow it casts. Trace around the shadow with chalk or pencil then colour them in.
- Make slime – Kids love getting their hands icky with slime! Making slime is a fun activity that’s also pretty easy to do and outdoors is a great place to do it if you’re worried about the mess. Get loads of cool slime recipes to make at home.
- Meditation – If you’re looking for a calming activity, try some simple mediation with your kids. Sit comfortably and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly out of the mouth. After a few minutes, open your eyes and notice how you feel.
- Flower pressing – Pick some pretty flowers from the garden then press them between the pages of a heavy book. After a few days, they’ll be flattened and you can use them to decorate cards, notebooks or picture frames. You can also get a flower press kit to use instead.
- Herb drying – If you have a herb garden, this is a great activity to do with kids. Cut fresh herbs then tie them together with string and hang them upside down to dry. Once they’re dried, you can use them in cooking or potpourri.
- Fossil rubbings – Find some interesting leaves or stones then place a piece of paper over the top. Use a pencil or crayon to gently rub over the surface to create a fun pattern.
- Nature mobile – Collect some leaves, sticks, flowers and seeds then string them together to make a pretty mobile. You could also add in some feathers or beads for extra decoration.
- Make a flower crown or bracelet – Weaving fresh flowers into a crown or bracelet is a fun activity for kids and adults alike if looking for something relaxing to do outdoors.
- Frozen fossil dig – Bury some small plastic toys or figures in a container of water and freeze overnight. In the morning, let the kids dig the fossils out with spoons! This is a wonderful activity for staying cool on a summer day!
- Bird watching – Get the binoculars out and spend some time outside looking for different types of birds. To add to the fun, find a list of birds in your local area or in a book and see how many you can spot.
- Learn cartwheels – If your kids are feeling active, why not teach them how to do a cartwheel! This classic move is great fun and good exercise too.
- Outdoor boxing – Set up a boxing bag or punchball in the backyard and let the kids have fun punching away. This is a great activity for getting energy out and is also good for coordination. If you don’t have a bag, practising sparring with boxing gloves and pads is a good group fitness activity too.
- Do a science experiment – There are loads of fun science experiments you can do outdoors. Try making a lava lamp, launching a rocket or growing crystals.
- Make friendship bracelets – Enjoy fresh air and time outdoors while making friendship bracelets for your friends. You can move most craft activities outdoor for a change of scenery!
Group Activities For Kids (And Families) Outside

There is no better way to enjoy the great outdoors than with good company! These activities for kids outdoors are perfect for entertaining a group of kids or for fun things to do outside with the entire family.
- Have a water balloon fight – Water balloons are always a fun way to cool off on a hot day, and they make for a great group activity. You can get a bunch of water balloons and have a fight with the kids or even fill up buckets and have a water balloon relay race (like an egg and spoon race where you have to return to the start if your balloon pops)! Get these bunch of balloons for quick filling!
- Play tag – Tag is a classic backyard game that can be enjoyed by all ages. It’s a great way to get some exercise while spending time with friends or family.
- Set up a scavenger hunt – Scavenger hunts are a fun way to explore your backyard and find hidden treasures. You can hide things around the yard for the kids to find or even make a list of things for them to look for on a nature scavenger hunt.
- Have a backyard picnic – Picnics are a fun way to enjoy the outdoors and spend time with family or friends. You can pack a lunch in a basket and head outside to eat in the fresh air.
- Stargazing – If you have a clear night, stargazing is a fun activity to do in your backyard. You can lie on the ground or on the trampoline and look up at the stars or even use a telescope to get a closer look.
- Throw a frisbee – Frisbee is a fun game that can be enjoyed by all ages. It’s a great way to get some exercise and spend time with friends or family.
- Kick a ball – Grab a football, soccer ball, or even a beach ball and have a kick or throw around in the backyard.
- Bat games – Practice your batting skills with a family game of cricket, baseball or softball in the backyard. The best thing about these types of sports is that they work for 2 people or many!
- Slip and Slide – Turn the hose on and set up your own slip and slide in the backyard! This is a fun activity for kids of all ages and even adults might like to join in. You can use a smooth sheet of plastic or get a proper slip n slide for backyard fun. Don’t forget the detergent for extra slippery fun!
- Play board games – Board games are a fun way to spend time with family or friends. You can set up a table in the backyard and play classic board games the whole family loves.
- Play card games – Card games are a fun way to spend time with family or friends and you don’t even need a table to play a lot of card games. Set up on a picnic rug or sit on the trampoline to play for something different.
- Have a BBQ or dine outdoors – Dining outdoors is a fun way to enjoy the fresh air without needing to make any plans. Just take your meal outside for a change of scenery! Or you can cook up a storm on the BBQ or just enjoy some snacks and drinks in the sunshine.
- Backyard camping – Who says you need to leave home to go camping? Why not have your own staycation in the backyard, complete with a tent so you can sleep under the stars without planning a full camping trip! The bonus is you don’t have far to walk if you forget something! We have a trampoline that converts into a tent which is perfect for older kids who want to sleep out on their own too!
- Watch a movie on a projector – Create your own outdoor cinema experience with a projector and a white sheet. Hang the sheet up in the backyard and set up the projector to watch your favourite movies under the stars for the ultimate outdoor movie night. Or get an inflatable project screen for the ultimate outdoor movie experience. Don’t forget the popcorn!
- Make some music – Get out some instruments or make your own and have a jam session in the backyard. You can even put on a little concert for family and friends!
- Have a water fight – Water guns are always a fun way to cool off on a hot day, and they make for a great group activity. You can get a bunch of water pistols and have a fight with the kids!
- Play hide and seek – Hide and seek is a classic backyard game that kids love! Send them outdoors to find the best hiding spots around your yard.
- Make S’mores or toasted marshmallows – Set up a fire pit and enjoy campfire treats in your own backyard! These camping desserts are great for adding more ideas to your outdoor dessert nights. You can even cook your whole meal outdoors, with one of these one-pot camping recipes too!
- Build a cardboard box structure – Get creative and build a fun fort out of cardboard boxes! This is perfect if you have a heap of boxes lying around. This is something we had a lot of fun with during our temporary homeschooling.
- Tie-dye some clothes – Get some fun fabric dye colours and make your own tie-dyed shirts! You can use old white shirts or buy some cheap ones from a store. Not just shirts, but socks, scarves, hats… anything you like! This is a messy activity that is perfect when looking for things to do in your backyard.
- Yard games – Set up some fun games in the yard like giant Jenga, Finska or hoop toss. If you have several lawn games, you can turn it into an afternoon challenge to see who the champion will be!
- Ground is lava – Just like the gameshow, Floor Is Lava, challenge the kids to make their way around the yard without touching the grass. They can use different equipment like chairs and their play equipment to avoid the ground.
- Sack Races – Another fun classic game to play outside is the sack race! Get some hessian sacks or extra-large pillowcases and see who can make it to the finish line first.
- Tug of war – This backyard game is perfect for family fun! Divide into teams, tie a marker in the centre of your rope and see who can pull the other team across the line. Just be careful not to pull too hard and end up in a pile on the ground!
- Egg and spoon race – Another fun race to have is the egg and spoon race! If you’d rather not see your eggs splattered on the grass, you can use plastic eggs or ping pong balls instead.
- Treasure hunt – Hide some small treasures around your backyard and send kids off to find them. They can work together or compete against each other to see who can find the most. There are some really fun Easter egg hunt ideas that can be adapted to any occasion or season too, such as glow in the dark hunts, colour coordinated and activity hunts.
- Bocce – This fun lawn game is perfect for all ages! All you need is a set of bocce balls and a flat surface to play on. This game is relatively simple for younger kids to understand, yet loads of fun for teenagers and adults too.
- Croquet – Another classic lawn game that’s great fun for all ages is croquet. It’s a bit more challenging than bocce, but still relatively easy to understand and fun for the whole family.
- Keep Uppy – Bluey fans will love this one! Get a balloon (or several) and see how long you can keep it up in the air without touching the ground. This is a fun game to play with as many people as you like.
- Miniature Golf – This fun backyard game is perfect for those who love a challenge! Get yourself a miniature golf kit and set it up for a few rounds of entertainment as a fun backyard activity.
- Balloon tennis – This fun outdoor activity is perfect for hot summer days! All you need is a balloon and some paddles and you’re ready to play.
- Upcycle something – Work together to do your very own furniture hack or upcycle project outdoors where you can paint, sand and alter to create a funky new piece of furniture for your home.
- Play iSpy – This simple game can be played anywhere, but it’s especially fun outdoors! Take turns to spy something and see if the other person can guess what it is.
- Play campfire games – Sit around your fire pit at night and play your favourite camping games. They don’t need any equipment and are a great way to spend quality time together outdoors at night.
- Laser tag – Get your own backyard laser tag set for home and have fun playing in your own yard! This is a load of fun for getting older kids and adults involved too.
- Shaving cream fight – This one is sure to get the giggles going! Give each person a can of shaving cream as their weapon of choice and have a blast spraying each other in foam. Just be sure to hose off afterwards so you don’t end up with a sticky mess.
- Play marbles – Get the kids outside for a game of marbles! This retro game can be played with as few or as many people as you like.
- Outdoor disco – Turn up the music, turn out the lights and have a fun dance party in your backyard or on the back patio! Wear glow sticks to make cool neon silhouettes in the dark or put up some outdoor lights to add to the vibe.
- Paper airplane races – Make some simple paper airplanes and race them against each other to see whose can fly the farthest.
- Play statues or Simon Says – These classic group games can be played with as many or as few people as you like. Play music and everyone has to freeze when the music stops or take turns being ‘Simon’ and giving instructions.
Fun Things To Do Outside In The Rain

Even when it’s raining, there are still fun things to do outside with kids! Sometimes it’s fun to embrace the wet weather and enjoy outdoor activities you can’t do when the sun is shining! These outdoor activities for kids are perfect for a rainy day.
- Make mud pies – This is a classic rainy day activity that kids love! Let them get dirty and use their imaginations to create their own masterpieces made from mud.
- Jump in puddles – What fun is a rainy day if you can’t splash around in some puddles? Put on your rain boots and have fun jumping in every puddle you see!
- Dance in the rain – This is one of those activities that can bring pure joy no matter your age! Just put on some fun music and have your own rainy dance party and be completely in the moment.
- Make leaf boats – This fun outdoor activity is perfect for kids of all ages. All you need are some leaves and sticks to make your own little boats that can float in puddles or in a tub of water.
- Rainy day art – Create a picture with pencils or markers then put it in the rain for a few moments to see the colours run. Allow your artwork to dry and see what beautiful creations you made.
- Take bath toys outdoors– If you have young kids, they’ll love taking their favourite bath toys outside to play in the rain! Just make sure to bring them back inside for a good clean afterwards.
- Wet chalk art – Using chalk on damp surfaces makes it more vibrant and kids will love seeing the colours run as the rain falls.
- Paint with mud – This is a fun and messy activity that kids will love! Simply use mud as paint to create fun designs on the sidewalk or driveway or use paintbrushes on paper.
The fun things to do outside in your backyard with kids are endless! With a little creativity and the right equipment, you can have fun outdoors all year round. So get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather! Outdoor activities are a great way to get some exercise and spend time with your family. The options for fun backyard activities are endless, so be creative and have some fun!
Need more fun ideas to entertain the kids:
- 100+ activities to do at home with kids
- LEGO play ideas
- Creative play recipes
- Sensory activities for toddlers
- Water play activities for preschoolers
- Slime recipes to make at home
- Playdough recipes to make at home
- Screen-free family activities
- Creative play activities for toddlers
- Active toys for active kids
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