Are you looking for Would You Rather questions for kids? These questions are the perfect conversation starters for kids and families and are great to play in the car or around the dinner table.
This list of family Would You Rather questions are sure to get everyone talking and hopefully learning a little something new about one another too!

The Benefits Of Conversation Starter Games
Most parents will know that as kids reach a certain age, it can often become harder to get them to open up and engage in conversation.
The usual ‘How was school?’ or ‘How was your day?’ might get a shrug or a one word answer, which can be very frustrating!
While these Would You Rather questions might not seem like an obvious way to connect with your child and learn what’s really on their heart right now, you will be surprised just how beneficial they can be.
These questions are a fun way to get the whole family talking and often you will end up learning something new about each other that you might not have known.
These questions are also fantastic for moments when you need to entertain everyone, such as during a long car ride, while waiting in line or to get everyone talking around the dinner table.
You might also like these conversation starters for kids and conversation starters for family dinners.
Here is a list of Would You Rather questions for kids and families to get the conversation started:
Printable Would You Rather Question Cards
These Would You Rather Question cards are a fun way of getting the whole family talking:

Would You Rather Questions For Kids
Getting kids talking can be hard. Some kids love to chat and will tell you everything on their mind, while others give you the bare minimum.
These kids’ Would You Rather questions are all about kid stuff – to get them talking about school, what they like to do for fun, things that they like and other stuff related to childhood.
- Would you rather learn maths or science?
- Would you rather be in a class with your favourite teacher or your best friend?
- Would you rather have a bedtime hug or a goodnight kiss?
- Would you rather be the youngest sibling or the oldest sibling?
- Would you rather play sport or take art classes?
- Would you rather walk to school or ride a bike?
- Would you rather be in kindergarten or grade 8?
- Would you rather play computer games or go to the park?
- Would you rather do swimming lessons or learn karate?
- Would you rather paint a picture or do a drawing?
- Would you rather watch TV or read a book?
- Would you rather have a sandwich or a salad in your lunch box?
- Would you rather a bedtime story or to write in a journal?
- Would you rather have a bath or a shower?
- Would you rather have a family day out or a one on one day with a parent?
- Would you rather learn a musical instrument or play video games?
- Would you rather become a police officer or a nurse?
- Would you rather have 2 good friends or lots of friends that you aren’t as close with?
- Would you rather sing on assembly at school or do a dance?
- Would you rather join the debate club or join the chess club?
- Would you rather be able to read people’s minds or read people’s emotions?
- Would you rather play frisbee or fly a kite at the park?
- Would you rather kick a football or throw a baseball?
- Would you rather never have to brush your hair again or never have to brush your teeth again?
- Would you rather always wear sneakers or always be barefoot?
- Would you rather play with LEGO or play with Play-Doh?
- Would you rather paint a picture or draw with crayons?
- Would you rather spend your pocket money on toys or on clothes?
- Would you rather sleep in the dark or with a night light?
- Would you rather listen to an audiobook or podcast?
- Would you rather be the most popular person in class or the smartest person in class?
Family Would You Rather Questions

These Would You Rather questions for families are perfect for getting everyone answering and sharing together.
These are great questions to ask at the dinner table. You could even pick just one to ask each night and work through the list.
- Would you rather play a board game or go for a walk?
- Would you rather go for a hike or go bike riding?
- Would you rather family game night or a trip to the cinema?
- Would you rather go to an amusement park or a water park?
- Would you rather go to the beach or swim at a lake?
- Would you rather go on a cruise or stay in a luxury resort?
- Would you rather go on a road trip or go camping?
- Would you rather go to a party or have a quiet movie night at home?
- Would you rather watch a horror movie or a comedy movie?
- Would you rather read fiction or non fiction books?
- Would you rather have a maid or someone who cooks your meals?
- Would you rather know how to ride a motorbike or a jetski?
- Would you rather live in your dream house or go overseas every year?
- Would you rather spring or summer?
- Would you rather winter or autumn?
- Would you rather a snow trip or an island trip?
- Would you rather have a big family or a small family?
- Would you rather have your dream job or just be rich and not have to work?
- Would you rather be the best player on the losing team or the worst player on the winning team?
- Would you rather have a swimming pool or a playground in your backyard?
- Would you rather go on a long road trip or a live in a different country?
- Would you rather meet your favourite celebrity or star in a TV show?
- Would you rather visit Hawaii or Fiji?
- Would you rather win the lotto or win Willy Wonka’s golden ticket?
- Would you rather live in a caravan or live in a tent?
- Would you rather visit Australia or Thailand?
- Would you rather play tennis or play basketball?
- Would you rather watch sport or play sport?
- Would you rather play Scrabble or Monopoly?
- Would you rather learn to surf or hang glide?
- Would you rather cook dinner or clean up after dinner?
- Would you rather talk on the phone or send a message?
- Would you rather be a rockstar or a popstar?
- Would you rather be a scientist or a surgeon?
- Would you rather be a baker or a wedding planner?
- Would your rather own your own house or own a luxury car?
- Would you rather drive a sportscar or drive a 4-wheel drive?
- Would you rather learn the waltz or learn how to ballroom dance?
- Would you rather do ballet or tap dancing?
- Would you rather compete on a game show or compete in a marathon?
- Would you rather play paint ball or ride a hang glider?
- Would you rather have a personal robot or a million dollars?
- Would you rather explore space or discover a new insect species?
- Would you rather spend summer break at the beach or go somewhere cold?
- Would you rather never watch television again or never listen to music again?
- Would you rather listen to 80s music or 90s music?
- Would you rather listen to country music or rap music?
- Would you rather live in a house with no hot water or a house with no windows?
- Would you rather have an exceptional sense of smell or an exceptional sense of hearing?
Would You Rather Food Questions
We all love to talk about food, right? Well, these food Would You Rather questions are all about what you love to eat and what you don’t.
- Would you rather have cereal or toast for breakfast?
- Would you rather eat sushi or noodles?
- Would you rather eat only fruit or only vegetables?
- Would you rather a banana or an apple?
- Would you rather eat pizza or pasta?
- Would you rather tacos or curry?
- Would you rather Mexican food or Italian food?
- Would you rather make your own dinner or have someone cook for you?
- Would you rather a home cooked meal or takeaway?
- Would you rather dessert for dinner or your faourite meal?
- Would you rather eat cake or cupcakes?
- Would you rather lollies or chips?
- Would you rather chocolate or ice cream?
- Would your rather water or juice?
- Would you rather Coke or Pepsi?
- Would you rather tea or coffee?
- Would you rather donuts or pancakes?
- Would you rather chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
- Would you rather cheese or dip with your crackers?
- Would you rather garlic bread or fries?
- Would you rather eat snails or frog legs?
- Would you rather eat indoors or outdoors?
- Would you rather go for fine dining or a picnic?
- Would you rather bacon and eggs or waffles?
- Would you rather cheesecake or chocolate cake?
- Would you rather eat meat every day or never eat meat again?
- Would you rather eat a hamburger or eat a hot dog?
- Would you rather eat at the dinner table or in front of the TV?
- Would you rather eat only sweet foods or only salty foods?
- Would you rather eat a whole lemon or eat your least favourite food?
- Would you rather drink sour milk or eat rotten eggs?
- Would you rather have BBQ sauce or ketchup?
- Would you rather have mayonnaise or mustard?
- Would you rather eat seafood or mushrooms?
- Would you rather eat pumpkin or sweet potato?
- Would you rather eat broccoli flavoured ice cream or never eat ice cream again?
- Would you rather eat hot cereal or eat cold pizza?
- Would you rather eat a whole raw onion or a whole raw potato?
- Would you rather only have chocolate milk or never have milk again?
- Would you rather eat ice cream every day or stay skinny no matter how much you eat?
- Would you rather eat donuts or eat popcorn?
- Would you rather eat 1 big meal a day or 5 tiny meals a day?
Funny Would You Rather Questions
Sometimes we all need a good laugh! In fact, I would say humour should be part of our daily lives! These funny Would You Rather questions are great for adding some laughter to your day and entertaining the whole family.
Sometimes being silly together is the perfect way to spend time as a family!
- Would you rather be the richest person alive or the smartest person alive?
- Would you rather live in a mansion or live in a tiny house?
- Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
- Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous singer?
- Would you rather compete in the summer Olympics or the winter Olympics?
- Would you rather be part of The Simpsons family or The Addams Family?
- Would you rather have a self-cleaning house or a self-driving car?
- Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island with your family or your best friend?
- Would you rather have a money tree or the fountain of youth?
- Would you rather be an amazing photographer or a supermodel?
- Would you rather be YouTube famous or Tiktok famous?
- Would you rather have bad breath or smell like rotten eggs for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have a new holiday in your honour or be the president of the United States?
- Would you rather ride a roller coaster or go on a hot air balloon ride?
- Would you rather be the fastest person or the funniest person on the planet?
- Would you rather be a famous inventor or have a magic wand?
- Would you rather invent time travel or invent a new sport played in every country?
- Would you rather be the size of an ant or the size of a giant?
- Would you rather have tiny feet or huge hands?
- Would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sense of smell?
- Would you rather visit outer space or a secret city underwater?
- Would you rather spend a night in a haunted house or never eat fast food again?
- Would you rather have a clown nose or a 3rd eye in the middle of your head?
- Would you rather have a conversation with your future self or your past self?
- Would you rather have green skin or antennas?
- Would you rather eat snot flavoured ice cream or ear wax pudding?
- Would you rather teleport into your favourite TV show or into your favourite video game?
- Would your rather be able to breathe underwater or breathe fire?
- Would you rather smell like a skunk or look like a skunk?
- Would you rather be covered in feathers or be covered in scales?
- Would you rather live in a tree house or a tiny house?
- Would you rather have purple hair or green hair for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather smell vomit or smell dirty trash cans?
- Would you rather have crap hands or an elephant trunk?
Animal Would You Rather Questions
These Would You Rather animal questions are all about the furry, scaled and featured creatures. It’s time to share your animal preferences, from creepy crawlies to cuddly and wild.
- Would you rather be chased by a rhino or by an ostrich?
- Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat?
- Would you rather have a pet fish or a pet bird?
- Would you rather be able to swim like a fish or fly like a bird?
- Would you rather eat cat food or eat dog food?
- Would you rather be as fast as a cheetah or as strong as an elephant?
- Would you rather be as tall as a giraffe or as tiny as an ant?
- Would you rather be best friends with a bear or best friends with a tiger?
- Would you rather cuddle a panda or cuddle a koala?
- Would you rather have a goat or a cow?
- Would you rather ride a horse or ride a camel?
- Would you rather swim with a whale or with a dolphin?
- Would you rather feed a crocodile or swim with sharks?
- Would you rather live in a house full of spiders or a house full of cockroaches?
- Would you rather have a pet snake or a pet polar bear?
- Would you rather be covered in mosquito bites or get bitten on the butt by an ant?
- Would you rather race a turtle or a sloth?
- Would you rather live a nest or live in a burrow?
- Would you rather own a farm or own a zoo?
- Would you rather visit the aquarium or visit the zoo?
- Would you rather swim like a fish or jump like a kangaroo?
- Would you rather be a dog or a cat?
- Would you rather work at a pet shop or work at a vet clinic?
- Would you rather have spikes like a hedgehog or only come out at night like a possum?
- Would you rather be bitten by an ant or be bitten by a wasp?
- Would you rather have a very small pony or a very big horse?
Would You Rather Holiday Questions
Christmas, Easter, Halloween… these holiday Would You Rather questions are all about your favourite celebrations and special events. They also cover birthdays and other special occasions.
- Would you rather it be Christmas every day of the year or your birthday?
- Would you rather meet the Easter bunny or Santa Claus?
- Would you rather go to the North Pole or to Halloweentown?
- Would you rather decorate for Christmas or for Halloween?
- Would you rather have a small birthday party each year or a huge birthday party every 5 years?
- Would you rather have a quiet Christmas with family or a big Christmas party with everyone you know?
- Would you rather do an Easter egg hunt or go trick or treating?
- Would you rather dress up funny or scary for Halloween?
- Would you rather have chocolate eggs or candy eggs?
- Would you rather work as an elf or help make easter eggs?
- Would you rather do secret Santa gift exchange or buy and receive a gift from everyone?
- Would you rather have egg nog or plum pudding?
- Would you rather receive one huge gift or many small gifts?
- Would you rather get a visit from the toothfairy or the sandman?
- Would you rather celebrate St Patricks Day or Valentine’s Day?
- Would you rather get money for birthdays or gifts?
- Would you rather have a birthday party or go somewhere exciting?
- Would you rather have a big party or celebrate with your 5 closest friends?
- Would you rather have Christmas lunch or Christmas dinner?
- Would you rather get a trick or a treat on Halloween?
Would You Rather Disney Questions
Disney is a part of childhood for most kids so these Disney Would You Rather questions for kids are sure to be a fun way of incorporating their favourite animated films and Disney characters into the conversation starters.
- Would you rather have a magic carpet or magic hair?
- Would you rather be able to talk to animals or transform into one?
- Would you rather be best friends with Moana or Mulan?
- Would you rather live in Arendelle or in Neverland?
- Would you rather be a princess or a knight?
- Would you rather hang out with Simba, Timon and Pumba or Olaf, Kristoff and Sven?
- Would you rather have an evil stepmother or be locked in a tower?
- Would you rather have a fairy godmother or a magic genie?
- Would you rather have curly hair like Princess Merida or really long hair like Rapunzel?
- Would you rather look after 101 dalmatians or take care of Stitch the alien?
- Would you rather live in an arcade with Wreck-It Ralph or under the sea with Ariel?
- Would you rather give up your singing voice to find love or pretend to be a rich Sultan?
- Would you rather open a restaurant like Tiana or save the world like The Incredibles?
- Would you rather star in your High School Musical or visit Wonderland?
- Would you rather live with 7 dwarfs or in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
- Would you rather go to Disneyland or Disney World?
- Would you rather be a fairy like Tinkerbell or one of the Lost Boys?
- Would you rather have Captain Hook or Maleficent as your enemy?
- Would you rather be fast like Lightning McQueen or brave like Buzz & Woody?
- Would you rather watch classic Disney films or new Disney films?
Would You Rather Superhero Questions

The best DC and Marvel Would You Rather questions and general superhero questions for kids who dream of having superpowers! These are fun questions if you are Marvel fanatics like we are, so I couldn’t resist adding these in and of course, DC because we can’t forget them!
- Would you rather be on Team Iron Man Or Team Captain America?
- Would you rather have Hulk powers or Thor powers?
- Would you rather be a super soldier or a super spy?
- Would you rather be best friends with a talking tree or a talking raccoon?
- Would you rather be Superman or Batman?
- Would you rather have Wonder Woman’s whip or be as fast as the Flash?
- Would you rather be Spiderman or Superman?
- Would you rather be able to fly or teleport?
- Would you rather be a superhero or be rescued by one?
- Would you rather live in Asgard or Midgard?
- Would you rather fight alongside Black Widow or Hawkeye?
- Would you rather be best friends with the Winter Soldier or Falcon?
- Would you rather have claws like Wolverine or control the weather like Storm?
- Would you rather be part of the Avengers or the Justice League?
- Would you rather fight against Thanos or Kang?
- Would you rather be a Guardian of the Galaxy or a Teen Titan?
- Would you rather have Thor’s hammer or Captain America’s shield?
- Would you rather work for SHIELD or HYDRA?
- Would you rather report to Nick Fury or Bruce Wayne?
- Would you rather join the Xmen or join the Inhumans?
Would You Rather Harry Potter Questions
Do your kids love Harry Potter? These Would You Rather Harry Potter questions are loads of fun for Potterheads and muggles alike!
- Would you rather be best friends with Ron or Hermoine?
- Would you rather learn from Professor Snape or Professor Moody?
- Would you rather be part of the Weasley family or the Dursley family
- Would you rather be a seeker or a catcher in Quidditch?
- Would you rather be an expert in the dark arts or in mythical creatures?
- Would you rather have a pet owl or a pet cat?
- Would you rather your Patronus was a cat or a frog?
- Would you rather be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin?
- Would you rather have Luna Lovegood or Hagrid as your best friend?
- Would you rather be a pro at Transfiguration or Apparition?
- Would you rather have the invisibility cloak or Maurader’s map?
- Would you rather have a time turner to go back in time or a house elf to clean your house?
- Would you rather have detention with Professor Snape or Professor Umbridge?
- Would you rather face off against Draco Malfoy or Bellatrix Lestrange?
- Would you rather travel by floo powder or by broom?
Would You Rather Star Wars Questions
May the force be with you as you tackle these Star Wars Would You Rather questions together. Perfect for a Jedi in training!
- Would you rather be a Jedi or the pilot of your own spaceship?
- Would you rather learn from Yoda or Luke Skywalker?
- Would you rather be best friends with Chewbacca or Jar Jar Binks?
- Would you rather be a stormtrooper or join the resistance?
- Would you rather be Princess Leia or Luke Skywalker?
- Would you rather fight alongside Han Solo or Kylo Ren?
- Would you rather hang out with the Ewoks or Boba Fett?
- Would you rather choose the dark side or the light side of the force?
- Would you rather be a Jedi knight or a sith lord?
- Would you rather fight 1 Wookie or 10 ewoks?
- Would you rather command a whole Droid army or a clone army?
- Would you rather talk like Darth Vadar or like Yoda?
- Would you rather team up with Rey or Padme?
- Would you rather be as powerful as Luke Skywalker Or Anakin Skywalker?
- Would you rather be a bounty hunter or a princess?
These best Would You Rather questions for kids and families are sure to get the whole family playing along and having plenty of laughs along the way! They make great conversation starters and can be the perfect game to play when you’re waiting around together too as a way of keeping everyone entertained.
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